20 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Pulp Fiction’

It’s hard to believe it, but “Pulp Fiction” was released 20 years ago. Quentin Tarantino’s film blew everyone away and set Internet message boards on fire back when the web, as we know it, was in its infancy. Even if you’re a die-hard fan, we bet you don’t know everything on this list. Enjoy!

20. Lost & Found

Quentin Tarantino’s real-life car, a 1964 Chevelle Malibu convertible, was used as Vincent Vega’s stylish automobile in the movie. Unfortunately, the car was stolen during the production of the film. Nearly 20 years later, police found the vehicle after they arrested two kids who were stripping an old car.

19. You Never Can Tell


During filming, Uma Thurman admitted to Quentin Tarantino that she did not like “You Never Can Tell,” the Chuck Berry song that Thurman and Travolta dance to at Jack Rabbit Slim’s. The director told her, “Trust me. It’s perfect.”

18. Jimmie from Toluca Lake

Tarantino couldn’t decide whether to play Jimmie from Toluca Lake or Lance the drug dealer. He finally chose the role of Jimmie because he wanted to be behind the camera for Mia’s overdose scene.

17. Cereal

When Vincent calls Lance on his cell phone, Lance is seen eating a bowl of “Fruit Brute” cereal. The breakfast food is part of the “monster family” brand that also made “Count Chocula,” “Frankenberry,” “Boo Berry,” and “Yummy Mummy.” “Fruite Brute” and “Yummy Mummy” have been discontinued, but Tarantino kept a box and has placed it in some of his movies. It also appears in Tim Roth’s apartment during “Reservoir Dogs.”

16. Reading a Book


Vincent is seen reading on a toilet during some inopportune moments throughout the movie. The book he’s reading is “Modesty Blaise” by Peter O’Donnell, which Quentin Tarantino has considered adapting into a movie for the last 20 years.

15. Keying Vincent’s Car


Vincent tells Lance that his beloved convertible, which was kept in storage while he was on vacation in Amsterdam, was recently keyed by some “d*ckless piece of sh*t.” Tarantino has since stated that Butch (Bruce Willis) is responsible for keying Vincent’s car.

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